
Saturday, May 4, 2013

Noisy mufflers on your bike

Some riders say that a noisy muffler keeps them safer, and most riders will do anything to be a bit safer. However many riders still don't invest in proper training which would dramatically increase their safety. Instead some riders choose to invest in a muffler which makes their bikes deafening.
Now the problem with this is many fold.
1. You will make yourself unpopular in any residential area as well as any other bike riders since people tend to paint riders with the same brush. Which means when they see one noisy bike all bikes are noisy, when a rider does something douche all riders are douche-bags. You see how this works?
2. Now there is also the little matter of your own hearing you are riding right on top of those pipes and they are noisy as hell. Now you think a couple decibels more makes me visible but doesn't hurt my ears much not so much. Because ear damage develops exponentially and increases with every decibels many fold so instead of adding you should be multiplying.
3. The noise is behind you, the people that will hear your bike better are behind or besides you but not ahead. This means not only are you suffering more damage but also you are achieving nothing but annoyance towards bikes in traffic as well.
While high visibility gear and a well lit bike may actually be worth more and improve you bikes safety much more. Not only do you see better when it gets darker but you are much more easily seen.
Overall the loud muffler achieves little to nothing and is nothing but an ear shattering nuisance be reasonable and ride something less noisy the design doesn't have to change just the mufflers interior.

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