
Friday, July 20, 2012

Seatux DrySuit Heavy with Heavy duty Zipper

Seatux has a great local reputation for good quality suits that last for quite a while.

Seatux is a local Vancouver Island company that is based in Lantzville and they do not make any suits for the rack but rather make their suites to order insuring that the suits fit extremely well.
The compressed neoprene that is used by them allows the diver to wear a wide range of undergarments since the suit itself provides good thermal protection while keeping the diver dry.
Seatux uses gator skin which has proven to be quite resilient to general stress and the occasional barnicel. The suit is not just slightly more comfortable then a shell suit but rather leaves the shells in a dust cloud on the hangers. The seatux feels natural even if you jump into it right after diving in wetsuits. The comfort level and confidence inspired by this suit is hard to surpass and leaves nothing to wish for compared to some of the bigger competitors.
The suit comes with free made to seize hood which is and added bonus as many wet hoods tend to not quite fit but this one is made to seize just like the suit.
Everything can be customized on the suit from pockets to where the vent is and how you enter the suit of course some of those changes carry a ticket price but the models are not just affordable but they again beat most of the competition that can claim equality as well.
The Zipper on this suit is protected by a flap the flaw of that flap is a when you put on your BCD it tends to get trapped under the shoulder straps but it protects the zipper quite effectively once your dive buddy sorts your flap out.
The boots used for this suit are extremely rugged and you will not have to worry that your boots fail while hiking down to the beach for a shore dive.
The seals are not silicone as you maybe accustomed from many other suits but instead neoprene this makes the quite comfortable and warm while not sacrificing water tight integrity. 
The base model with the light duty zipper goes for about 1500$ CDN and the heavy duty model goes for 1700$ CDN.
Here is also the companies website albeit only partially working but the important contact info can be easily found and there are a couple local dealers around the island that support SeaTux such as Ogden Point and Nanaimo Dive Outfitters. (Those are the ones I am aware of supporting Seatux...I will happily add any other shops that do the same.)

SeaTux Website
Ogden Point Dive Shop
Nanaimo Dive Outfitters

The Overview, you can the words Sea-Tux on the neck.
The Zipper is protected by a flap.
The boots are pretty rugged and a boot failure is not an immediate fear.
The Cuff seal, got a little dust on it from transport but is other wise fine.
The hood.

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